"To The Media And The Uninformed, It Was For Criminals And The Unscrupulous..."

A familiar vibration is followed by a flash of light.

"Your advice certainly helped me save some money yesterday," a message reads. "Really appreciate your support..."

Sitting in his apartment overlooking a busy intersection near downtown Singapore, a savvy self-made finance graduate glances from his laptop screen.

His phone displays a message of thanks from a member of his closed Facebook group.

For several weeks now he's been receiving similar messages from friends, family, and strangers alike.

He turns his attention back to the laptop.

The chart in front of him, now so familiar, was once completely foreign—like a child just learning the alphabet, it soon became second nature.

By his calculations, his initial investment of $8,000 had increased by over 200x (2000%) in 7 months, rocketing up to $160,000.

In the world of traditional investing, returns like this were unheard of.

Normal stock investing, by your average person, was seeing returns at 7%.

Even the best trading firms on Wall Street, the Berkshire Hathaway's of the world, were getting their clients a very substantial 20-30% return.


... this was certainly not as good as the 10x (1000%+) increase he managed to achieve in May for one specific coin.

Thinking back a few years ago, when he was just starting out in this 'new' kind of investment, he'd made too many mistakes.

Costly mistakes that anyone could have fallen for.

There was no information, then.

He lost what was a fortune to him too, around $3,000, on a 'gut feeling' and some 'clever' blog posts he read on the internet.

It was the Wild West out there and in some respects it still is—but the potential never changed.

For someone with no prior experience to be able to so quickly learn the fundamentals and use this to create, what was for him, a fortune, seemed ludicrous.

His family and friends thought him a genius, but he knew it wasn't the case. It was a clear understanding of the topic and having the grit to commit...

What He Was Doing Was Revolutionary...

... and is revolutionary, in his eyes and those of its supporters.

This new breakthrough was called 'blockchain' and what are now known as cryptocurrencies.

To the media and the uninformed, it was for criminals and the unscrupulous.

For the traditionalists and those happy to maintain the status quo, it made no sense and seemed foolish.

But to the renegades and the dream-chasers, it was, and is, the future...

It broke conventions, moved fast, and anyone could get a slice.

It wasn't just for the well-educated, the rich, or the well-connected.

It transcended geography, corporations, and politics.

It also meant anyone could quickly get burnt if they got in too deep, didn't do their research, or didn't have help.

And many did get too close to the flame without a way out—but for every disaster there were successes, just like there are two side to a coin...

Thankfully, this man in Singapore sitting in his apartment looking at yet another 850%+ gain on his initial investment was a resounding success.

He had a 'loaded' coin:

  • he had a way to protect yourself as best you can against losses...
  • and he even had a way to position yourself perfectly to take advantage of opportunities for massive returns and profit.

And right now, he wants to show you how to stack the 'odds' in your favor too, allowing you to:

  • Quickly understand what makes cryptocurrencies so attractive (and how to assess whether you should buy or sell one of the whopping 900+ cryptocurrency coins in circulation)
  • Start trading in cryptocurrencies confidently and take advantage of the immense profit potential in this revolutionary technology—even if you've never invested before
  • Easily understand financial charts so you can make better decisions and start investing with your head, not hype (automatically putting you ahead of 90% of other 'rookie' cryptocurrency investors today)
  • Minimize risk and maximise profit using tried-and-true trading techniques—the exact techniques that stock brokers on Wall Street use for their own trades
  • ... and as you'll soon see, much more.

This man is the seasoned Singaporean cryptocurrency trader, Aziz Zainuddin, and if you read on, you'll discover how to learn everything he knows, in a fraction of the time (and money) it took him to learn it himself.

A 'Renegade' Finance Graduate Who Discovered A Path To Immense Profit Potential In Cryptocurrencies—And Is Willing To Reveal How You Can Take Advantage Too (For Two Simple Reason)

From his fourth-floor apartment in Asia's bustling business hub of Singapore, Aziz Zainuddin has made both friends and family rich.

A seasoned trader for over 5 years, the information he's passed down to others has been instrumental in creating over $170,000 to their wealth.

The typical returns of his own trades range from 225.4% - 2012%.

And for the first time ever, he's willing to reveal to you the exact 'blueprint' he used to get these kinds of results.

It's the same exact 'blueprint' that has allowed him to:

  • Profit from the highest gain he has ever received, a 2012% return on his investment one fateful day on May 14, 2017
  • Bring his friends and family into the world of potentially life-changing returns
  • Support technology that can revolutionize our world and breakdown some of the world's most entrenched and undemocratic financial 'keystone' institutions... while making a very healthy profit

The depth of his understanding, and the value he's given back to the financial and cryptocurrency community also runs like a true top-achiever's resume:

  • Provides expert commentary and opinion for Forbes Middle East on the most exciting financial subject of the past decade—cryptocurrencies and the disruptive technology that lies behind them, the blockchain
  • Featured columnist for Master the Crypto
  • Featured op-ed for Futurism
  • Mentor of Master the Crypto's closed Facebook group, where he provides advice to his private members
  • Regularly achieves gains around 8.75x his initial investment (that's an 875% return)
  • Saved his students from easy to make mistakes, 'hidden' transaction costs, and helped them avoid massive losses
  • Helps his students take advantage of rising cryptocurrency prices, explains the benefits of early adoption, and provides peace of mind while investing in this 'new' economy
  • Successfully predicted the 'fracture' of the oldest cryptocurrency coin (and showed his students how to stay safe throughout the 'fracture' and profit after the dust settled)
But Aziz wasn't always the cryptocurrency 'prodigy' he is today.

You see, like most interested people starting out, he had no real knowledge of the cryptocurrency industry...

...and he certainly didn't have any practical knowledge of investing in traditional assets like stocks either.

He started from scratch and turned himself into the smart investor he is today.

All of which meant he made plenty of mistakes—the same mistakes 'rookie' cryptocurrency investors make time and time again.

Mistakes that are costing thousands in bad trades, and even more on lost profit potential.

So, now Aziz doesn't have to repeat his mistakes—and you can accelerate your learning curve exponentially by listening to what he's about to reveal to you shortly.

For those who have listened to Aziz, they often praise his depth of expertise from the 'knowledge bombs' he's constantly dropping, with comments like these:

Moe Darwich—new cryptocurrency trader from the USA

“The information that Aziz and other members of the cryptocurrency group have helped me understand crypto on a whole new level. The knowledge you and the team are spreading is impeccable. As someone who is eager to know more about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, I am very happy to receive your help. Thank you.”

Syakir Hashim—cryptocurrency trader from Singapore

"Aziz is a great resource when it comes to cryptocurrency investments. He understands very well the intricacies of cryptocurrency and all aspects of investing in cryptos. Few people in this space have ability to understand and teach. Aziz is one of the rare ones who can do both extremely well."

R. Abdul-Khalique —new cryptocurrency trader from the USA

“Aziz is a guy who has done his homework on cryptocurrencies and knows his stuff. He's not pushing hype when he talks about coins. His explanation of fundamental analysis as it related to coins makes calming sense of the crazy and volatile world of cryptocurrencies. His facebook group has been a focused way for me to learn more about cryptocurrencies without feeling overwhelmed. His experience in cryptocurrency trading is an extension of his many years of overall trading experience so when I ask about coin recommendations, I feel confident that I'm getting reliable information.”

And all of this has led Aziz to two realizations:
The First, 'Hard Truth' Realization

He's made enough money on cryptocurrencies to last him a lifetime.

You see, Aziz got in early.

And for those who wait too long, their chance may no longer exist.

Yet, it's not too late for you.

It's still early enough for those who want to invest in cryptocurrencies to get in now, and to be able to make insane profits over the short- and long-termif they know what they're doing.

The Second, 'Earth Shattering' Realization

The technology behind cryptocurrencies, blockchain, is completely revolutionary.

It potentially provides the key to unlocking the first, truly global currency and providing the next groundbreaking advances in computing.

It may finally allow the people to control their privacy and finances—not the government, corporations, or big banks.

This puts the power back into the hands of the people, and everyone is able to join, so long as they have a computer and motivation.

And without the people's trust, this chance, this once in a lifetime opportunity for both profit and positive potential, could leave with it.

This is what drives so many people that are passionate about cryptocurrencies.

It's the best time to get the word out and spread what he's spent years of his life and thousands of his own dollars in learning, so the blockchain technology has the best chance of reaching its potential.

But First, Here's Something To Help You Right Now—No Need To Enter Any Details, No Expectations
James Steadman—brand new cryptocurrency trader from Australia

"Having Aziz explain—and even show me under a minute—how to make sense of those crazy financial charts was mindblowing. I had an actual 'aha!' moment and realized I could probably do this myself.

I could actually look at a crypto coin (or stock too, I guess, as it's based on the same theory) and make an educated, rational move on what to do... what to invest in... which is where I was completely stuck before.

I didn't really have any clue on how to start, and now I do!

Thank you Aziz, seriously!"

You See, This Is Where Most 'Investors' Fail
(And Continue To Fail... No Matter How Hard They Try And No Matter How Many 'Gurus' They Blindly Follow)
  • Bad investors don't fact-check (or they don't know where to find accurate facts fast enough to make the right decision)
  • Bad investors don't look at the right information—instead they rely on gossip or marketing hype
  • Bad investors judge earning potential on the wrong set of criteria—leaving them to miss good investing opportunities
  • Bad investors don't understand the fundamentals (instead they chase after fads thanks to 'shiny object syndrome')
  • Bad investors don't keep up to date with the news—meaning they're always 'on the back foot' and reacting too late to make any serious money
  • Bad investors don't keep in contact with other investors (so they have to 'guess' at what's happening and are always behind when market trends are just beginning)
  • Bad investors borrow money they can't afford to lose—which puts them at risk of a 'never-ending debt spiral)
So, How Do Smart Investors Get Into The World Of Cryptocurrency—Even If They Have No Idea Where To Start?
Smart Investors Need Knowledge

Never has the saying 'knowledge is power' been more apt than when talking about cryptocurrencies—although, you could replace 'power' with 'profit', and it would be just as true...

You see:

Smart investors (especially the best cryptocurrency investors) have an excellent understanding of what cryptocurrencies actually are and how the technology behind them is useful.

It's how they're able to make confident trading decisions that others wouldn't have the guts to even consider...

... then sit back and watch as their 'risky bet' pays off, while people on the sideline are wishing they jumped in earlier.

Yet, understanding how to find this information and actually analyse it can be tough.

Not because the information is overly hard to understand...

... or because it's too expensive to access this information (you can get it for free if you know how).

It's tough because:

  • vital information is spread throughout so many sources
  • it's hard to keep up to date when the crypto world moves so fast
  • most don't know the best places to find reliable information

And Aziz has helped thousands of people with this massive problem by:

  • breaking the fundamental ideas of cryptocurrencies into easy, understandable ways
  • providing up to date 'digests' of the most important cryptocurrency news from around the world
  • giving honest, unbiased advice—even if it's not what you 'want' to hear

But that's not all a smart cryptocurrency investor needs to help them on their way to trading success...

Smart Investors Need Help

It's no secret that some of the most successful people in the world—in any profession or industry—have the best people around them.

In big corporations like Apple and Google, new employees are assigned mentors to supercharge and accelerate their learning.

Olympic athletes train with previous gold-medalists, and absorb everything they can from their coaches and mentors.

And smart cryptocurrency investors are no different, which is why they have a network of experienced traders that:

  • help provide the most up to date news
  • alert each other to potential 'red flag' moments
  • provide recommendations on trustworthy resources
  • advise on new techniques they're using for massive returns
  • make understanding some of the more technical aspects of cryptocurrencies simple

But, finding quality groups of investors who actually know the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies has been problematic at times.

Most online groups and forums revolve around:

  • 'armchair investors' providing outdated trading techniques
  • 'rookies' with no experience in trading offering bad advice
  • promoting cryptocurrency coins or services for commission (without disclosing anything)

Which is why Aziz has run a closed, and well vetted, Facebook group.

He continues to provide quality support and actionable advice for those truly interested in making money in cryptocurrencies.

His advice has let thousands of people better understand the turbulent world of cryptocurrencies and let's committed investors, even with no past trading experience, to quickly start trading with confidence.

Aziz's community of 'veteran' cryptocurrency traders has also allowed interested people, like yourself, to understand:

  • when to buy a cryptocurrency coin, allowing you to make potentially huge gains and set yourself up for the future
  • when to sell a cryptocurrency coin and avoid potential disaster if you hold onto a coin too long
  • how to protect your cryptocurrency from being stolen or hacked
Only A Fool Would Blindly Take Me At My Word
And you're no fool—you're still reading this, after all.
So, here's what other people have said about Aziz to show you that he's the 'real deal'.
Firas Freajah—new cryptocurrency trader from the USA
Ahmad Siraaj Muniir—new cryptocurrency trader from Singapore
Massoud Abassi—investing experience level from Afghanistan

“The way Aziz breaks down complex concepts on cryptocurrencies is amazing; literally if you had no technical knowledge you’d be able to understand it. More importantly, his tips and insights has allowed me to get in on the action and make a rate of return which I absolutely cannot get by investing in traditional investments!”

Aziz even managed to 'tip' a friend off to, what he thought would be, a potentially large return on Ethereum in February this year.

Fast forward to May, and Ethereum shot up in price by over 1000%—effectively making this 'heads up' the most lucrative coin purchase for this new trader—and changing Aziz's initial 'large' forecast to 'lifechanging'.

Plus, see how these people who understood and invested in cryptocurrencies early, profited... netting them results unheard of in the world of 'traditional' investing:
  • 18-year old Erik Finman bought $1,000 worth of crypto in 2011—his investment is now worth over $1.1 million dollars...
  • Kristoffer Koch from Norway bought a measly $27 worth of crypto in 2009... which is valued above $877,000 today
  • This 27-year old from China, Huai Yang is making over $116,000/month from his cryptocurrency holdings
And, Here's How Cryptocurrencies Are Turning People Around The World Into Millionaires...And Anyone (Even You, Right Now) Can Check If It's True

From an article in ZeroHedge, titled, "One Trader Made $200M Trading Ethereum... And Nobody Knows Who To Tax":

... the purported owner of Ethereum wallet 0x00A651D43B6e209F5Ada45A35F92EFC0De3A5184, which holds 680,000 ether tokens, worth about $150 million at present prices but nearly twice that when ether was trading at its mid-June highs, have a different definition of transparency. Some one alleging to be the accounts owner penned an instagram post bragging about their gains in the middle of ether's June rally.

“I get many private messages asking how much ether I have,” the post read, alongside photos that purported to be the hardware powering a mining operation but looked lifted from another website.

“One of the cool things about Ethereum is that all wallets around the world are transparent and open for everyone to see. And this is my wallet’s savings.”1

And it's true—people can see the value of an investor's wallet if you have the right address.

Which makes things exciting, because you're able to truly see whether someone knows their stuff...

... and it's the perfect way to show how much money can be made by investing in cryptocurrencies properly.

Plus, all you need to get started, and on the right path is:

  • A fundamental understanding of cryptocurrencies
  • The right framework and criteria to help you assess whether a cryptocurrency is worthwhile
  • Access to the right information to help you base your decisions off of
  • Experience in 'spotting' trends so you can better predict price changes within any cryptocurrency

And if you read on, you'll see how to learn all of this, in the easiest (and fastest) possible way.

But, Cryptocurrencies Are Also Capable Of Making You Lose Lots Of Money... Incredibly Fast

Here's the story of Cody Brown, who detailed his plight in a recent Medium post, titled, "How to lose $8k worth of bitcoin in 15 minutes with Verizon and Coinbase.com".

1:31 PM—It begins with a text message from Verizon

11:41 PM—Gmail signs out. I’m completely in the dark.

11:42 PM—Coinbase password resets. My session cookie doesn’t kick me out yet so I watch this in real time.

11:34 PM—Coinbase New Device Confirmation

11:44 PM—1.18 BTC sent

11:45 PM—70.96 LTC sent

11:46 PM—16.03 ETH sent

Adios hopes and dreams fund —$8,000+ is gone in 15 minutes.2

This happened in 15 minutes—and the saddest part is that it could've been avoided completely.

If Cody had simply:

  • read the documents Aziz provides that outline the best and worst online cryptocurrency 'exchanges' and 'wallets' he may have chosen a more secure (or more responsive) way to invest in cryptocurrencies
  • used the methods that Aziz promotes (that often cost nothing and that anyone can do), he would still have over $8,000 to his name

Unfortunately, this information wasn't available to him, or the tens of thousands of new investors looking to get started with cryptocurrency trading, yet...

... but, if you read on, you'll see how Aziz has helped inexperienced investors avoid costly mistakes just like Cody's.

Even 'Traditional' Financial Experts And News Columnists Are Exploring The Expanding Possibilities Of Cryptocurrencies
In an article written by Justin Kuepper of Investopedia, titled, "What Advisors Should Know About Cryptocurrencies", he succinctly explains the rising interest of experienced and traditional financial firms (and their advisors) into the new world of cryptocurrencies:

Cryptocurrencies may have been little more than a hobby since their introduction in the late 1990s, but the technology’s potential has finally started to catch the eye of mainstream financial institutions and professionals.

The Winklevoss twins—famous for their involvement in Facebook Inc.—plan to launch the world’s first Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) later this year, while the underlying technology has some of the world’s largest banks filing a flurry of patents.3

Similarly, Nathan Reif, a journalist at Investopedia, says, in an article titled,"Billionaires Making the Shift to Cryptocurrency Investments":

  • There is mounting evidence of growing support for cryptocurrencies
  • Many billionaires are now seeing it as a safe way to store value
  • Growing practical business uses are providing validity to the currency

Cryptocurrency supporters likely believed it was only a matter of time. While widespread adoption of digital currencies as investment vehicles has generally been slow, particularly among traditional financial institutions, a number of prominent wealthy individuals have recently begun to make the switch away from older modes of investment.

A report by ETH News suggests that the billionaires come from within and outside of the cryptocurrency space, including prominent names like:

  • Kik founder and CEO Ted Livingston
  • Michael Novogratz, the major hedge fund player
  • entrepreneur Mark Cuban
  • investment guru Tim Draper

Could this signal a broader turn toward cryptocurrencies as investment options?

More Investment Decisions Revolve Around the Blockchain

As these prominent investors become more closely linked to blockchain-associated digital currencies, some analysts have suggested that it reveals a growing efficacy and efficiency in the crypto space.

Cryptocurrencies are increasingly seen as safe places to store value, as worthwhile means of diversifying assets, and as the building blocks for marketplace-altering platforms and businesses.

A Variety of Business Approaches
  • Of the billionaires listed above, Livingston has publicly revealed plans to launch a development space called the Kin Foundation, relying on an Ethereum-based token to overhaul the advertising world.
  • Draper has recently bought up a sizable share of Credo, a new token which aims to fight email spam.
  • Cuban has revealed intentions to be a part of the ERC20 token generation event for a token called UnikoinGold. Cuban tends to view his investments with regard to the possibility of mass adoption, perhaps indicating his view that cryptocurrencies are primed to take over a wider portion of the public investment realm.
  • At the same time, Novogratz has speculated that the cryptocurrency market could continue to blossom into unforeseen heights. He estimates that the market could be worth $5 trillion in the coming five years. The former hedge fund manager has said that he retains about 10% of his net worth in cryptocurrencies.

Mr. Reif then goes on to say:

... Nonetheless, some of the most prominent individual investors have turned their attention and, perhaps even more tellingly, their money toward digital currencies and their related applications.

Could this suggest the beginning of a broader trend in that direction?4

All of which makes interested investors like yourself ask this one, simple question:

"What can I do to get involved in the cryptocurrency revolution today, before I miss out?":

Think Ahead To A 'Future You'...

Imagine this scenario for a moment:

It's one week from today

Except for some key differences...because now, just a week later, you understand the complete fundamentals of cryptocurrency investing.

You're now able to, at any time you choose:

  • Take advantage of any cryptocurrency opportunity you may see
  • Purchase new cryptocurrencies while they're still incredibly inexpensive
  • Make decisions well before 90% of other investors even consider taking action
  • Know exactly when you should buy, or when you should sell a cryptocurrency coin

All of which means,you can make profits off cryptocurrency investments you wouldn't have dreamed possible just a week earlier.

With your new knowledge in cryptocurrencies, you can:

  • Avoid potentially bad investment opportunities
  • Protect your money and digital coins from being stolen
  • Secure your trading identity from hackers and the government
  • Avoid the major mistakes that almost every 'rookie' investor makes (but you skipped completely)

This is financial freedom like you hadn't experience before.

  • You have the freedom to create your own financial future—no matter where you're starting from or what your previous situations may be.
  • You have the freedom to trade when and where you want, and on terms you set—not those set by big banks or government middlemen.
  • You have the security of being anonymous online, and access to a 'new money' currency that can't be counterfeited or rendered useless by a nationwide economic collapse.

A truly global currency, that your friends and family turn to you to ask advice—they've seen your new-found confidence and want to know how to do the same for themselves.

And all this, just a week from today.

A week from where you sit reading this, right now.

So, quickly ask yourself this before reading on:

Does this sound too good to be true?

Does this look like it's not possible?

Do you feel as if there's a catch?

Have you heard it's 'too risky'?

Sawaiz Mirza

“I started investing in cryptocurrencies knowing very little about the concept. Through Aziz's extremely informative posts and communication I was able to vastly increase my understating of the concept of crytocurrencies. His advice has helped me invest in profitable currencies with positive returns and has certainly helped avoid potentially bad investments in digital currencies.”

Well, Your 'Alternate' Reality Could Be Possible Thanks To This Brand New, Comprehensive Course Specifically Created For Safer, Smarter, And More Profitable Cryptocurrency Investing
(And It's Something That Current, Successful Cryptocurrency Investors Would Have Done Anything For When They Were Starting Out... Including Aziz Himself!)

In this breakthrough course (the likes of which aren't available anywhere else) Aziz Zainuddin will take you, step-by-step, through everything he knows about investing in cryptocurrencies.

Aziz breaks down the exact method he uses to get results like:

  • Achieving returns of outrageous multiples (8.75x)
  • A 2012% return on a single coin (10x his original investment)
  • An ROI of 225.4% - 2012% on his cryptocurrency picks

In this course, you'll see 'behind the cryptocurrency curtain' and learn how to:

  • Quickly understand what makes cryptocurrencies so attractive (and how to assess whether you should buy or sell one of the whopping 900+ cryptocurrency coins in circulation)
  • Start trading in cryptocurrencies confidently and take advantage of the immense profit potential in this revolutionary technology—even if you've never invested before
  • Easily understand financial charts so you can make better decisions and start investing with your head, not hype (automatically putting you ahead of 90% of other 'rookie' cryptocurrency investors today)
  • Minimize risk and maximise profit using tried-and-true trading techniques—the exact techniques that stock brokers on Wall Street use for their own trades

Additionally, by the end of the course, you will have an extensive skill set specialized for trading in the cryptocurrency market.

You will also have the best possible opportunity at making money in today's cryptocurrency market. Potentially lots of it, with returns that can only be found consistently through cryptocurrency trading (and is creating new millionaires constantly in the process).

This Powerful, Video-Based Course Is Made Of 5 Distinct Parts (Totalling 18 Separate Videos) Covering Every Aspect You Need To Know To Start Investing In Cryptocurrencies Right Now
(And When Combined As A Whole, Catapult You Ahead of 90% Of New Investors)

With this complete 5-part course, Aziz hands you 'the keys to wealth', with his personal secrets on how to create your own financial future through cryptocurrency trading.

This complete, market-leading course is called, Master The Crypto, and has been in development by Aziz and his team painstakingly for over a quarter.

After completing the training material contained in Master The Crypto, you'll be able to:

  • trade in one of the only decentralized currencies in the world providing an equal opportunity to investors from anywhere on Earth
  • bypass slow and potentially unsafe 'investment' options available to you from traditional banks or trading platforms
  • you'll also be able to protect yourself, and your money, from previously unavoidable economic disasters (such as the economic collapse in Greece)
  • and most importantly, you hold the potential to make outrageous amounts of money— money that only the most well-connected capitalist corporations had the ability to make, until now
And Here Are The 5 Comprehensive Parts (Plus Introduction) Contained Within Master The Crypto That Give You A Step-By-Step Framework To Understanding The 'Complex' Cryptocurrency Market
In Part 1: What Are Cryptocurrencies And Why The Underlying Technology Behind Them Is So Revolutionary, Plus How The Cryptocurrency Economy Actually Works (And Why So Many Get This Wrong),you'll quickly understand:
  • How the two biggest cryptocurrency coins, Bitcoin and Ethereum, differ (and which one may be a hidden 'sleeper' to keep your eye on)
  • How to measure the size of any cryptocurrency— and how this can help you figure out what cryptocurrencies to invest in
  • What a 'POW' is, and why it's being overtaken by 'POS' (and why this is actually important)
  • What 'smart contracts are and why Ethereum is the future's answer to contracts, charities, and transferring funds to foreign countries—even if they have poor legal and government systems that would traditionally make transactions almost impossible
  • Why Ethereum could 'hold the key' to advanced computing (plus, how it might change the way we do business forever)
  • Why 'hard' and 'soft' "forks" dictate the future value of all cryptocurrencies—plus a simple way to keep updated on these pivotal changes
  • The differences between Ethereum and Ethereum Classic (and why buying one over the other can be your ticket to outrageous profits)
  • Why watching a country's electricity prices can give you a 'heads up' on the next area for booming cryptocurrency miners.
  • What 'immutability' and the ideology behind blockchain has to do with stopping hackers (and keeping your profits safe)
Syed Irfan Ajmal

“I've come to know Aziz through his website and his Facebook group recently. I've also attended his webinar on a particular cryptocurrency. His knowledge of crypto, Bitcoin, crypto investing is vast, and he has also been super helpful in terms of sharing tips on how to find the right crypto-coins to invest in and the methodologies to use in this regard. I look forward to learning more from his vast acumen and I can't thank him enough for his excellent support and help.”

In Part 2: The Fundamental Analysis And Research Skills Every Cryptocurrency Investor Needs To Know (Broken Down Into Simple, Effective Lessons You Can Apply Immediately),you'll quickly:
  • Learn the same technique top Wall Street firms use to 'cover their bases' when looking at investing in any investment (and how to apply this to any cryptocurrency—while blocking out the gossip and hype online)
  • Discover 'whitepapers'—and how to read them so you can understand the true potential of any cryptocurrency you come across.
  • Learn how you can use this simple, free communication app as a 'direct-line' to any cryptocurrency development team(and how to use this to see a 'roadmap' of a cryptocurrency and its future)
  • Learn the 3 websites that can give you notice hours—or even days—before major movements happen(and how to use this time advantage as a 'heads up' to decide whether to buy or sell any cryptocurrency for your own personal gain)
  • Discover the 'one-stop' checklist used for judging the potential of any cryptocurrency (even if you haven't ever invested before)
  • Find what the 'Apple Test' is, and how to use it to judge the usefulness of any cryptocurrency.
  • Understand what a 'consensus mechanism' is and why only true cryptocurrencies have it in place—plus, how to identify cryptocurrencies that have it
  • Know how to invest in any cryptocurrency confidently [which you'll be glad to find on Video 3 around the 31 minute mark] (even if everything you hear online from other 'armchair' or 'theory-based' investors say otherwise)
  • Learn what 'centralized' and 'decentralized' means and how a cryptocurrency coin with one of these has the potential to make your investment practically worthless overnight (plus, how to tell if this event may happen to a cryptocurrency coin you're looking at)
  • Know what a 'normal node' is and what a 'master node' is.
  • Learn the '5 Fundamental questions' you must be able to answer to rationally invest in any cryptocurrency (and how you can use this to pick only the best cryptocurrency coins to invest in)
  • Understand why you'll hear 'ICO' more in the news and why it can make some people rich if they get in early enough—and make others wish they'd done their homework and bought when they still could
  • Know how to identify the possible 'extinction' of a cryptocurrency coin using a simple 'What-If Framework'
  • Learn why investing in 'government-friendly' cryptocurrencies may be the key for long-term gains(and it's not for the reasons most think of)
  • See why donning your 'human resources' cap and putting this specific group through an 'interview' process can make your investing choices more profitable
  • Learn how to use a little-known method for fact-finding, that's completely free to use [which you'll find on Video 3 at 6 minutes and 12 seconds and you'll wish you thought of sooner] (and that you'd usually pay a financial advisor $100's/hour to do for you)
  • Find how a well-known children's story holds the key principles to realistic expectations for any new cryptocurrency
  • Know how to tell if a cryptocurrency coin may only increase in price over time (and not down in price, like many government currencies do when they decide to 'print more money')
  • Uncover why buying cheaper cryptocurrencies can actually cost you more [easily found in Video 3 at 13:43] (even if they 'tick all the boxes')
  • Find what the '10-20% Rule' is—and how it can dictate whether the value of any cryptocurrency will continue to increase
  • Learn how to spot scams, Ponzi schemes, and MLM cryptocurrencies a mile away [which you can view around 26 minutes into Video 3 if you want to keep out of trouble] (and a simple way to help stop your friends and family from being ripped off too)
In Part 3: The Key Technical Trading Skills Every Cryptocurrency Investor Needs To Know (Without Having To Go Through Dozens Of Training Books And Dense, Boring Theory), you'll find:
  • The 'Frequent 5', which is a set of patterns you need to know before you think of investing in any cryptocurrency [all of them are thoroughly explained to you in Video 3 around the 30 minute mark] (if you don't want to lose all your money fast)
  • Why this simple trading indicator is often overlooked (and why it's the cause of so many new investors problems)
  • Why this specific analysis method has half the investing world clueless—and how you can use it alongside other analysis methods for a 'complete overview' on any cryptocurrency for your own personal benefit
  • How to use human psychology for your own benefit and potentially for massive profits [6 minutes and 46 seconds through Video 1 and this secret will be revealed to you] (and how 'mind-reading' the mass market puts you at an unfair advantage over 'normal' investors)
  • What the 'Purple 30/70 Band' is and how you can use this easy method to predict whether the price of a cryptocurrency may go up or down [Video 4, at 14:37... you'll thank Aziz later] (and how you can use this exact method to decide whether to buy or sell)
  • Why 'KISS' still reigns supreme—and how this is perfect for 'lazy' analysts and investors looking to stay up to date with the market
  • How identifying a popular shampoo brand can 'tip you off' to sell a cryptocurrency coin ahead of everyone else [simply watch Video 3 until 16:08 to find out more] (and avoid massive losses if you act too slowly)
  • What 'indicators' are and the 2 most common indicators you'll need to use and understand before you begin trading in cryptocurrencies
  • What to do when lots of people buy a cryptocurrency (and how to know whether the price may go up or down in the short-term because of this increased buying volume)
  • Learn how to read financial charts—yes the kind you see on TV, movies, and the newspaper—and why it's actually simple to understand once you've been shown [all this, and more, found at 10:41 in Video 1]
  • How to use these 3 simple lines that give you an immediate idea of where the value of any cryptocurrency may head next [just 58 seconds into Video 2 and you'll learn this technique] (which you can chart in under 30 seconds)
  • Why 'round numbers' are signs people may buy or sell a cryptocurrency coin (and how you can use this to help predict future price movement)
  • What a 'Japanese candlestick' is and how they join to create possible cryptocurrency coin price trends
  • Why big-shot Wall Street investors have you fooled [you'll see how they did this at 9:54 in Video 1] (and how they've got you thinking that trading is more complicated than it really is once you know the fundamentals behind it)
  • How two simple lines on your financial charts can indicate a 'restriction' or a 'support' of a cryptocurrency value—and why you need to know these terms
  • Why one specific type of analysis is my favorite way to invest [found in Video 1 around 40 seconds in] (and how I got started using this method to invest in cryptocurrencies)
  • What 'continuation patterns' are (and how to spot the 4 signs in any price chart—which can save you from potentially huge losses)
  • Understand the difference between 'flags' and 'pennants' and why even experienced investors can mistake them—but how you can avoid this and plan your next move well ahead of time
  • How seeing this very specific pattern is a clear signal to buy a cryptocurrency coin—yet it's a pattern that almost all new investors can't see in time to potentially make insane returns [20 minutes and 48 seconds into Video 3, is where you'll find this profit-producing discovery]
  • How an object everyone has used, and most of us use daily, can predict when you should buy a cryptocurrency coin for potentially exponential gains
  • How to use an 'MECD line' to easily understand at a glance whether to buy or sell a cryptocurrency coin [a handy and easy to apply 'line' found in Video 4 at 10:12]
  • How to spot 'anomalies' in a cryptocurrency and how to use this method to predict where the price may go next
  • What '12/26' is [you can find out what this means and how to use it at 7:14 on Video 4](and how you can use this simple 'rule of thumb' to more reliably track the price of a cryptocurrency coin)
In Part 4: Understanding Market Sentiment And How To Manage The Psychology Of Cryptocurrency Trading For Safer, More Rational Investing, you'll uncover:
  • What 'F.U.D.' is and how it can affect the price of any cryptocurrency [an acronym you'll understand fully by 3 minutes and 40 seconds into Video 1] (plus how you can manage 'F.U.D.' to become a smarter, more rational cryptocurrency investor)
  • Where to find free information and news on cryptocurrencies before 99% of other 'slower' investors eventually do [something that will become second-nature when you find out how at 5:14 in Video 1]
  • How to use the comments box of any news article to help you assess the 'feeling' of the market (and how you can do a 'reality check' with your own thoughts on a cryptocurrency with this method too)
  • How to manage your greed and why failing to learn this technique can cause you to lose it all
  • Why cryptocurrencies are no place for gamblers [a level-headed recommendation you'll find at 17:53 into Video 1] (and how a calm, rational investor will be in a better position to make the 'big bucks' instead)
In Part 5: How To Make Your Very First Cryptocurrency Trade And Then Your Subsequent Trades After That (Plus, How To Keep Your Money Safe At All Times), you will easily discover:
  • Why you need a different wallet for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other alternative cryptocurrency coins [Located in Video 5, at the 18 minute mark, is the information many are wanting to dive into straight away; but hold off if you can!]—and how to quickly and safely get started with trading today.
  • Step-by-step video tutorial on using a cryptocurrency exchange for the first time [something you'll eagerly await at the 30 minute mark in Video 2] (so you can start trading immediately)
  • The difference between a 'public' and 'private' "key", and how so many new investors unwittingly provide the 'pincode to their bank accounts' during trades (which can leave you open to theft and worse)
  • How 'ICO's are your express tickets to potential double-, triple, and even quadruple-digit returns—and the simple reason why this isn't an 'anomaly' [you can find this piece of important information during Video 4, at 16:32]
  • The 5 biggest and most well-respected cryptocurrency exchanges in the world [Video 2, around 13:48 for more information on this] (including all the information you need to quickly choose the right one for you)
  • Why regulations are good for the cryptocurrency world—and why a lack of regulation means the skills you learn in this comprehensive course provide you with a huge advantage over 'regular' investors
  • Why cryptocurrency coin prices almost always drop immediately after an 'ICO' (and why this is good for you once you understand how to profit off this rather predictable effect)
  • How 'ICO's' are democratizing the finance industry and are allowing anyone to access the crazy returns that are typically only reserved for elite trading firms and the ultra-wealthy [Video 4, 4:33 seconds in, this one is important] (effectively allowing anyone to bypass the traditional wealth 'gatekeepers' that have decided who can be rich for centuries)
  • What the '6 Key Factors' are to deciding on your cryptocurrency exchange (and how picking the right one for you will allow you to make more money and keep it safe from hackers)
  • The 3 top tools (one of which is free) that do all the hardwork for you when it comes to comparing and analysing any 'ICO'
  • A foolproof method to keep your cryptocurrencies 100% safe [Head to 8:29 in Video 5 to learn this method]
  • Why leaving your cryptocurrency coins in an exchange wallet is a bad idea (and is leaving you open to hacking—plus a simple way on how to avoid this ever happening to you)
  • What you need to know about 'cold storage', international hackers, and keeping your cryptocurrencies safe at all times [a 'treasure trove' of tips at 4:40, Video 2]—and why failing to do this one simple thing has caused too many people to lose everything
  • Why a good customer support rep can be an unusual, yet relevant, determining factor in your success (and how to choose the best cryptocurrency exchange with excellent support)
  • How to store your digital cryptocurrencies safely in a physical cryptocurrency wallet—where no one can steal them or hack your account and gain access
  • Why 'ICO's' are the easiest way for smart investors to potentially make outrageous profits over the long-run [jump into the action at the 1 minute mark in Video 4] (and how you can jump in on the next 'ICO')
  • How to quickly evaluate fees between exchanges—and how you can skip all the research by using the included 'Exchange Fee Resource Document' included with the Master The Crypto Course
  • How to best use cryptocurrency exchanges if you're located in countries like India, areas of Africa, and parts of Eastern Europe [skip ahead to 12:32 on Video 2 if you'd like to see this straight away]
  • Why some of the best cryptocurrency investors fought to get access to one specific 'ICO' [you can see Aziz's reaction to this news in Video 4, around the 2:30 mark] (which made over $35 million in under 35 seconds)
  • What are 'makers' and 'takers', and why cryptocurrency exchanges favor one over the other—plus, how you can save money by using an exchange that favors one of these specific groups
  • Why you can't use your cryptocurrency exchange wallet to take part in an 'ICO' (and how unaware investors have lost big money trying to do this seemingly 'intuitive' thing)
  • A time-saving document that provides you with a list of major wallets, their services, how much they cost, how secure they are, and the wallet's 'mobility' [10 minutes and 13 seconds into Video 5 will reveal this useful resource] (something any cryptocurrency investor would've loved when they were starting out)
So, How Do You Get Immediate Access To This Incredible Resource And Begin Your Education In Fundamental Cryptocurrency Investing?
It's Simple To Get Started With The Master The Crypto Course
  • You get immediate access to all the resources and information that Aziz Zainnudin has prepared for the Master The Crypto FOR LIFE, allowing you to begin trading in cryptocurrencies faster and more confidently than ever before
  • You can purchase Master The Crypto with all major payment methods including PayPal, your VISA, Mastercard, AMEX and more
  • You can even pay for Master The Crypto over a 2 or 3 month period on a simple payment plan—we don't want anyone to miss out on this opportunity, so we want to make sure it's as affordable as possible

Like any reputable course provider, the team behind Master The Crypto are here to answer any of your questions or concerns up front.

The good thing is...

We know we've made the most comprehensive course on fundamental cryptocurrency available anywhere.

And we'll do everything reasonable to ensure you receive everything we've promised—plus more, as you'll soon see.

But first:

How Much Does Access To Master The Crypto Cost?

Master The Crypto will allow you to confidently begin trading in cryptocurrencies during the current cryptocurrency boom...

... and then maintain your crypto coin investments as the cryptocurrency market matures in the future.

You'll be able to confidently start trading almost immediately, and you'll be trained by Aziz Zainnudin of Forbes Middle East fame, through an in-depth 5-part online video course (over 18 individual videos).

  • If you were to get access to Aziz one-on-one, you'd be paying over $4,000/day for his hands-on guidance (and thanking him for it)
  • If you were to go to a mastermind hosted by Aziz, you and a select group of 11 other ambitious cryptocurrency investors would be expected to pay up to $2,000 for the day—and leave the mastermind with dozens of ideas and new ways to 2x, 5x, 10x your ticket cost
So, for access all of this information...
and additionally receive step-by-step guidance on how to start trading cryptocurrencies at an accelerated pace...
How much do you think Master The Crypto would cost? To have immediate access to everything described above for LIFE?
Remember, You'll Receive The Exact Methods That Aziz Used To:
  • start trading in cryptocurrencies (and become a seasoned trader in his own right in just a few short years)
  • Achieve returns of outrageous multiples (8.75x) netting him $70,000 from an $8,000 initial investment in just 7 month
  • A 2012% return on a single coin (10x his original investment)
  • An ROI of 225.4% - 2012% on his cryptocurrency picks
Plus, You'll Learn The Exact Techniques Aziz Uses Daily To:
  • track and analyse the prices of cryptocurrency coins
  • pick which coins to invest in while they're still affordable (and most likely to provide the greatest returns)
  • decide when to buy or sell any cryptocurrency coin, at any time
And, You'll Receive Everything Described Above, Immediately, In Master the Crypto For Just $897


To put that into perspective:

  • Access to the most comprehensive cryptocurrency course available to the public, is less than the price of having a Starbucks coffee and slice of cake everyday, for a year
  • It's a fraction of the price of a 'traditional' trading education (up to 1/100th for some of the more expensive courses)
  • Many 'traditional' trading courses cost more per month than Master The Crypto does in total—and these other trading courses often provide old, outdated content
  • With the profits current Master The Crypto students are achieving, it's not 'crazy' to think one 'smart' trade could pay for the whole cost of the course
So, would you 'give up' a year of coffee to take part in the biggest, most disruptive financial and technological breakthrough that the world has seen in over three decades?

A simple payment of just $897 could see you 'making the headlines' thanks to a smart investment into a cryptocurrency you never would've dreamed of investing in prior to this course.

Or, if you'd like to pay over 2 months...

... it's just $468/month (for only $936 in total)

And for those wanting to spread out their payment over 3 months...

... you'll pay just $324/month! (for only $972 in total)

We understand many might find an upfront payment hard to pay, so we've offered two easy options. And while the payment plans do cost a little bit more in total, they allow you to 'get your foot in the door' and start learning straight away.

Plus, if that's not enough value for you, you'll need to see what bonuses Aziz and the team at Master The Crypto have got in waiting for you right now:

Buy Now And You'll Additionally Receive These 5 Bonus Resources For Free—With Immediate Access And At Absolutely No Cost To Yourself
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 1] You get an updated version of Aziz's latest ebook, 'The Complete Cryptocurrency eBook—"The A-Z Of Crypto Investing"' (which shows you the most up to date methods to find the perfect cryptocurrency for your 'risk profile'; understanding how cryptocurrencies may affect the future of computing; how cryptocurrency trends can affect the 'traditional' stock market; and much more)
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 2] You'll receive a beautifully formatted transcript of each video—that's 18 'text' versions going through each of the individual videos in Master The Crypto. Print out each transcript and study them 'offline', or, read along as you watch each of the 5 parts within the course
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 3] Additionally, you'll receive the audio files for every video in Master The Crypto's 5-part course, that's 18 audio files in total(so you can learn while you're commuting or when exercising to really 'squeeze' more into your day)
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 4] You get access to Aziz himself via Facebook—feel free to ask him your pressing cryptocurrency questions and get insight from an expert trader
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 5] Plus, access to Aziz's top crypto resources and tools—which are constantly updated to keep you 'in the loop'
There's No Risk When You Invest With An Education Through Master The Crypto—Guaranteed

Your education investment is 100%, completely risk-free with our 30-day 'complete access' guarantee.

You've got a full 30 day risk-free period to:

  • Explore and watch all the content
  • Download and try all the resources
  • View and use all the bonuses

... and then, if after trying the full course out after 30 days, you decide it's not for you, simply send us a message and we'll confirm your prompt refund.

If you're even slightly interested in learning about cryptocurrencies, there's absolutely nothing to lose by trying Master The Crypto for the full 30 day, risk-free period.

You'll get to see for yourself the quality, rewards, and benefits that this course can provide you.

You'll also see that Master The Crypto will finally allow you to take your first confident steps into the world of cryptocurrency investing.

All you need to do is diligently watch all 5-parts, use the provided tools and resources, and actually take some action!

If after all this, and you've enjoyed complete, immediate access to the full course, you're still not satisfied...

... just send us an email and we'll refund your money—it's as simple as that.

Master The Crypto Is The Ultimate Investment Into Your Cryptocurrency Knowledge—And It's All In One Place (Plus, It's Easily Accessible Anywhere In The World, On Demand)

At just $897 it's one of the best investments into your future and definitely the best investment into your education in the world of cryptocurrency trading that you'll find today.

  • It's the most current cryptocurrency trading course available
  • The team behind Master The Crypto have proven cryptocurrency investing experience
  • Get immediate access to Master The Crypto through a dedicated platform
  • Get immediate access to all the bonuses (including the full audio versions and full transcripts of each video for 'offline' studying)

And remember:

Your cryptocurrency education is completely risk-free!

You've got a full 30 day risk-free period to:

  • Explore and watch all the content
  • Download and try all the resources
  • View and use all the bonuses

... and then, if after trying the full course out after 30 days, you decide it's not for you, simply send us a message and we'll confirm your prompt refund.

If you're even slightly interested in learning about cryptocurrencies, there's absolutely nothing to lose by trying Master The Crypto for the full 30 day, risk-free period.

Using the information contained within Master The Crypto, you can potentially provide for yourself, your family, and friends with the opportunities that arise from understanding cryptocurrencies well before the masses.

  • 18-year old Erik Finman bought $1,000 worth of crypto in 2011—his investment is now worth over $1.1 million dollars...
  • Kristoffer Koch from Norway bought a measly $27 worth of crypto in 2009... which is valued above $877,000 today
  • This 27-year old from China, Huai Yang is making over $116,000/month from his cryptocurrency holdings
If You're Interested In Cryptocurrency Trading, You Need To Buy Master The Crypto Now And Grab This Opportunity While You Can
  • If you want the ability to successfully trade crypto currencies you need to buy this course
  • If you want up to the minute advice on crypto you need to buy this course
  • If you want to ride the current cryptocurrency money wave successfully—and escape the potential crash and 'bubble' that old and 'out of touch' analysts are predicting—you need to buy this course
  • If you want to release yourself from the old and crumbling 'cash' economy (plus free yourself from the oppressive global banking corporations) you need to buy this course
  • If you want sound trading advice and real conversions from 'normal' people like yourself who are successfully trading cryptocurrencies in today's markets, you need to buy this course
We've Made It Easy To Order & Gain Immediate, Unrestricted Access To The Best Cryptocurrency Trading Course Available Today
To get immediate access to the Master the Crypto, simply click the enrol button below.

You'll then be taken to a new page, where you'll be able to register your account on Teachable (where the course is hosted), then need to enter your payment details and confirm your payment type.

After successfully purchasing, you'll immediately be sent an email providing instructions on how to access your course and all our exclusive bonuses.

If you have any questions simply email us at [email protected]

So, again, simply click the enrol button below and follow the prompts
From there, check your email address for your immediate access instructions.
2 simple payments
$468 x 2
Total cost $936
Yes, you'll receive:
  • Your education investment is 100%, completely risk-free with our 30-day 'complete access' guarantee
  • LIFETIME access to Master The Crypto (the most comprehensive cryptocurrency trading education available)
  • Immediate access to the 5-part video course (containing 18 in-depth videos)
  • Additional resources and worksheets to help you learn(and quickly jump into trading cryptocurrencies)

PLUS—at no additional charge

  • [BONUS RESOURCE 1] You get an updated version of Aziz's latest ebook, 'The Complete Cryptocurrency eBook—"The A-Z Of Crypto Investing"' (which shows you the most up to date methods to find the perfect cryptocurrency for your 'risk profile'; understanding how cryptocurrencies may affect the future of computing; how cryptocurrency trends can affect the 'traditional' stock market; and much more)
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 2] You'll receive a beautifully formatted transcript of each video— that's 18 'text' versions going through each of the individual videos in Master The Crypto. Print out each transcript and study them 'offline', or, read along as you watch each of the 5 parts within the course
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 3] Additionally, you'll receive the audio files for every video in Master The Crypto's 5-part course, that's 18 audio files in total (so you can learn while you're commuting or when exercising to really 'squeeze' more into your day)
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 4] You get access to Aziz himself via Facebook—feel free to ask him your pressing cryptocurrency questions and get insight from an expert trader
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 5] Plus, access to Aziz's top crypto resources and tools— which are constantly updated to keep you 'in the loop'
Upfront Payment
Yes, you'll receive:
  • Your education investment is 100%, completely risk-free with our 30-day 'complete access' guarantee
  • LIFETIME access to Master The Crypto (the most comprehensive cryptocurrency trading education available)
  • Immediate access to the 5-part video course (containing 18 in-depth videos)
  • Additional resources and worksheets to help you learn(and quickly jump into trading cryptocurrencies)

PLUS—at no additional charge

  • [BONUS RESOURCE 1] You get an updated version of Aziz's latest ebook, 'The Complete Cryptocurrency eBook—"The A-Z Of Crypto Investing"' (which shows you the most up to date methods to find the perfect cryptocurrency for your 'risk profile'; understanding how cryptocurrencies may affect the future of computing; how cryptocurrency trends can affect the 'traditional' stock market; and much more)
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 2] You'll receive a beautifully formatted transcript of each video— that's 18 'text' versions going through each of the individual videos in Master The Crypto. Print out each transcript and study them 'offline', or, read along as you watch each of the 5 parts within the course
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 3] Additionally, you'll receive the audio files for every video in Master The Crypto's 5-part course, that's 18 audio files in total (so you can learn while you're commuting or when exercising to really 'squeeze' more into your day)
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 4] You get access to Aziz himself via Facebook—feel free to ask him your pressing cryptocurrency questions and get insight from an expert trader
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 5] Plus, access to Aziz's top crypto resources and tools— which are constantly updated to keep you 'in the loop'
3 simple payments
$324 x 3
Total cost: $972
Yes, you'll receive:
  • Your education investment is 100%, completely risk-free with our 30-day 'complete access' guarantee
  • LIFETIME access to Master The Crypto (the most comprehensive cryptocurrency trading education available)
  • Immediate access to the 5-part video course (containing 18 in-depth videos)
  • Additional resources and worksheets to help you learn(and quickly jump into trading cryptocurrencies)

PLUS—at no additional charge

  • [BONUS RESOURCE 1] You get an updated version of Aziz's latest ebook, 'The Complete Cryptocurrency eBook—"The A-Z Of Crypto Investing"' (which shows you the most up to date methods to find the perfect cryptocurrency for your 'risk profile'; understanding how cryptocurrencies may affect the future of computing; how cryptocurrency trends can affect the 'traditional' stock market; and much more)
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 2] You'll receive a beautifully formatted transcript of each video— that's 18 'text' versions going through each of the individual videos in Master The Crypto. Print out each transcript and study them 'offline', or, read along as you watch each of the 5 parts within the course
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 3] Additionally, you'll receive the audio files for every video in Master The Crypto's 5-part course, that's 18 audio files in total (so you can learn while you're commuting or when exercising to really 'squeeze' more into your day)
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 4] You get access to Aziz himself via Facebook—feel free to ask him your pressing cryptocurrency questions and get insight from an expert trader
  • [BONUS RESOURCE 5] Plus, access to Aziz's top crypto resources and tools— which are constantly updated to keep you 'in the loop'
Take Note: You Are At A Unique Place In Human History And Time...
Understand this: the cryptocurrency advantage you have right now will not be here forever.

Act now and you can potentially change your life for the better by applying what you learn from Aziz and his course.

Act now and you can connect with other people just like you, looking to understand cryptocurrency trading at all stages of their investing experience...

... plus, learn from the hardened and experienced cryptocurrency trading 'veterans' in the exclusive Master The Crypto Facebook group

But, this advantage you currently have can only happen if you decide to take control of your own future and buy now.

Because if you don't order... you'll be exactly where you are now.

With the exact same hopes.

The exact same aspirations.

And with the exact same problems.

This may not be the worst thing either, if you've got everything 'sorted'---but ask yourself is it the best way for you to set yourself up?

If You're Interested In Cryptocurrency Trading, You Need To Buy Master The Crypto Now And Grab This Opportunity While You Can
  • If you want the ability to successfully trade crypto currencies you need to buy this course
  • If you want up to the minute advice on crypto you need to buy this course
  • If you want to ride the current cryptocurrency money wave successfully—and escape the potential crash and 'bubble' that old and 'out of touch' analysts are predicting—you need to buy this course
  • If you want to release yourself from the old and crumbling 'cash' economy (plus free yourself from the oppressive global banking corporations) you need to buy this course
  • If you want sound trading advice and real conversions from 'normal' people like yourself who are successfully trading cryptocurrencies in today's markets, you need to buy this course
Ask Yourself: "Will I Sit On The Sidelines Yet Again?"

Apart from all the bonuses, and the tight-knit cryptocurrency community you'll continually learn from, Master The Crypto is allowing you to expand your financial options and opportunities.

When cryptocurrencies first became viable almost a decade ago, no one knew if they'd stick around.

Jump to the present day, today, and people today are still wondering if cryptocurrencies will be around.


... the people who didn't wonder...

... but instead learnt about the potential of cryptocurrencies...

... and then acted on their own calculated decisions...

ended up making fortunes for themselves—and continue to do so, even with little to no prior trading history, simply because everyone else is waiting!

Master The Crypto provides you with the knowledge and the support structure so you don't have to wait any longer to make your own future and your own earnings.
  • So, why are you still waiting for a 'sign'?
  • Why are you still waiting for permission to provide for yourself and our family?
  • Why are you always on the sidelines, hearing about the success stories as you scroll Facebook on the way to work?
  • Why haven't you gone and purchased access to the most comprehensive online course completely dedicated to understanding and getting started in cryptocurrency investing?
Realize This: Your Ticket To The 'Insider' Crypto Currency 'Portal' Won't Last Forever

Apart from all the bonuses, and the tight-knit cryptocurrency community you'll continually learn from, Master The Crypto is allowing you to expand your financial options and opportunities.

When cryptocurrencies first became viable almost a decade ago, no one knew if they'd stick around.

Jump to the present day, today, and people today are still wondering if cryptocurrencies will be around.


... the people who didn't wonder...

... but instead learnt about the potential of cryptocurrencies...

... and then acted on their own calculated decisions...

ended up making fortunes for themselves—and continue to do so, even with little to no prior trading history, simply because everyone else is waiting!

We want to provide you, our students, with the best quality advice and insights possible.

Master The Crypto won't be useful to you if the course quality drops, and we're committed to making sure it stays up the top of cryptocurrency trading courses in terms of both content and support. So, it may not be for sale the next time you consider buying it if you pass up on the chance now.

What's the date that we'll close access to Master The Crypto? Who knows.

When will the crypto 'gold rush' end? We don't know—no one does

But we do know, right now, that access is still open and the cryptocurrency market is booming...
So, what will you do?
And Please Remember:

Like all things online, all advice is general advice and has not taken into account your personal circumstances. Please seek independent financial advice regarding your own situation, or if in doubt about the suitability of an investment.

Calculating Your Future Returns: The value of any investment and the income derived from it can go down as well as up. Never invest more than you can afford to lose and keep in mind the ultimate risk is that you can lose whatever you've invested. While useful for detecting patterns, the past is not a guide to future performance. Some figures contained in this report are forecasts and may not be a reliable indicator of future results. Any potential gains in this letter do not include taxes, brokerage commissions, or associated fees. Please seek independent financial advice regarding your particular situation. Investments in foreign companies involve risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Specifically, changes in the rates of exchange between currencies may cause a divergence between your nominal gain and your currency-converted gain, making it possible to lose money once your total return is adjusted for currency.

All figures accurate as at 14/08/2017.